When you wear hair extensions like havana twists, yarn twists/braids, or kinky twists, you need to wash your hair regularly. Extensions
should be kept in no longer than 3-4 weeks depending on the hair type.
How to wash and condition hair extensions
Step 1: Fill a spray bottle half way with distilled or
filtered water. Add 4-5 tablespoons of your favorite shampoo, mud wash, or hair
cleanser to the spray bottle. Shake the bottle until the ingredients are mixed
Blogger Naptural85 tying her hair into a bun. |
Step 2: Tie your extensions into a loose bun at the base of
your head with a hair band. Step into the shower. Spray your hair with the spray
bottle until damp, focusing on the scalp. Massage your scalp with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes.
Step 3: Turn the shower head on and rinse your hair. Let the
water rinse your scalp first then let it run down the hair extensions.
*Step 4: Empty the spray bottle containing the shampoo
mixture. Repeat Steps 1-3 again with your favorite conditioner.
Step 5: Dry your extensions with a 100 % cotton T-shirt or a
microfiber towel to avoid frizzy hair. Let your scalp air dry. Condition your hair
as usual.
*This step is for those who use a shampoo that is not a mud
wash or for those whose shampoo and conditioner are separate products.
How to create a schedule for washing hair extensions
Wash your hair as often as you would if you did not have
extensions. For example, I wash my hair every two weeks. So when I wear
extensions, I also wash my hair every two weeks. You can extend your wash day
up to one week. For example, sometimes I wash my hair after three weeks of
wearing my extensions instead of two. The longer you wear hair extensions, the
dirtier your hair and scalp will become. Make sure to schedule your washes!
Hair washing chart
This chart displays ideal washing schedules, however
everyone’s hair is different and those differences should be taken into account.
Use this chart as a guideline to create your own washing schedule.
photo courtesy of Naptural85.com