The Danger of Natural Hair, Kinky Hair Wigs

Natural hair, kinky hair wigs are becoming all the rage in the natural hair world. Kinky wigs and crochet extensions provide a way for women to adorn various coily hair textures while giving their hair a break from constant styling. They also offer a way to try new looks without chemically altering or dying their actual hair. Yet, there are some unforeseen issues with natural hair wigs and extensions that should be kept in mind before taking the leap into the kinky wig world.

The Natural Hair Wig Addiction

With more options becoming available yearly, the variety in natural hair wigs and crochet extensions has widened greatly, increasing the amount of hair pieces women can choose from.
The desire to try wigs from different brands can add up to a hefty price tag as most kinky hair wigs range from $70-$100 plus dollars. Besides leaving a large dent in your wallet, adorning different types of wigs can be an addicting sport, such that it can cause you to neglect taking care of your actual hair.

Women adorn wigs for several reasons. Some use them as a protective hairstyle while others use them after having suffered from a type of alopecia or hair loss. This is fine, of course, but if wearing wigs causes you to stop taking care of your actual hair on a regular basis it can be problematic.

For those who have experienced hair loss, wig-wearing can become a self-esteem boost, allowing them to once more rock a full head of hair.

If you are experiencing hair loss and have been frequently wearing a wig, make sure you regularly take care of your hair. Seek help from a doctor or a trusted herbalist and find a solution for your hair loss instead of covering it up. You do not want to have your self-esteem or how you feel about your hair determined by if you are wearing a wig or not. Ultimately, you want to be confident in wearing your own hair, healthy.

Natural Hair Wigs and False Expectations

Many times natural hair bloggers and Youtube bloggers (vloggers) will wear natural hair, kinky wigs to take a break from styling their hair. This is a great way for them to review brands of wigs and let their readers know about using wigs for protective hairstyles.

However, the downside is that sometimes followers of the bloggers fail to understand that the bloggers are in fact wearing wigs. I cannot tell you how many times I have looked at an Instagram post or watched a Youtube video in which a blogger has donned a wig and have read in the comments below, “Wow! I love your hair? How did you get it that way? My twist out (insert other hairstyles here) never works!”

Either the blogger hasn’t made it clear that they are wearing a wig or the followers simply believe that what they are seeing is actual hair and not a wig. Both instances leave women with a false idea of what natural hair looks like. Followers can end up striving for a particular hairstyle that was, in fact, just a wig and become frustrated when their own hair does not meet their expectations. However, this can all be easily solved if bloggers clearly state that they are wearing kinky, natural hair wigs in their posts.

Wig or no Wig?

Natural hair wigs are great options for protective hairstyles in that they allow you to keep a kinky haired look while giving your real hair some much needed rest. However, if you no longer feel confident wearing your own hair as the result of adorning your kinky wig or extensions, it’s time to take a step back and embrace your actual hair.

Instead of investing hours of time in styling your wig, style your own hair! It will thank you for it and produce long-lasting healthy hair results.

Similarly if you are suffering from hair loss and use a wig, make sure you are not hiding the problem but working to actively solve your hair loss.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to in any way infringe upon the rights or opinions of natural hair, kinky hair companies or businesses or bloggers or vloggers who have advertised natural hair or kinky wigs. This article is purely an opinion piece written to express ideas concerning general natural hair wigs and extensions.

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